The Internet of Everything: What Are the Risks?

The Internet of things market connected smart devices tag cloudBy Paul Romeo, NYSTEC Information Security Consultant

I recently attended a training class where, during the break, one of the instructors told me how excited he was about the new refrigerator he’d just bought, which was going to be part of the Internet of Everything (IoE). From his smart phone, he said, he would be able to inventory the items in his refrigerator and know when he ran low on key items such as milk, eggs, and, of course, beer.

I said he might want to rethink putting beer in the new refrigerator, because he might not be the only one with deep insight into his dietary purchases. His health insurance company could have access and observe his sugar, fat, and sodium intake by monitoring his purchases—and even potentially raise his health insurance rates based on that data.

The instructor replied, “I never thought about that. I’ll have to keep my old refrigerator for my beer and junk food.”

What is the IoE? Is it something great, or should we be worried? The answer is likely a little of both. Continue reading